Sermon by Pastor Bob Young
Title: “An Unexpected Inheritance”
Scripture: 2 Thessalonians 2:13-17
1. He Chooses Us (v. 13).
2. He Calls Us (v. 14).
3. He Sanctifies Us by the Spirit (v.13).
4. He Gives Us Faith (v. 13).
5. He Secures Our Hope (vv. 14-17).
This Week:
Sunday, December 4: Worship, Prayer, Sermon and Communion. Children and Youth dismissed for Sunday School classes after worship and opening prayer.
Friday, December 9: Men’s ministry meeting at 6:30 pm. Meal and message included.
Sunday, December 18: 2023 Budget Approval meeting directly after church service. Elder’s open meeting 6 pm and closed meeting is at 7 pm.
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