Sermon for Sunday, August 12th
“A Speeding Train”
Romans 1:18-32 & Romans 2:1-29
By Pastor Bob Young
This Week at Rafter J:
Sunday,August 12th– Worship Service 10 am, Youth Bible Study 10:30 am, Children’s Church 10:30 am, Open Arena 1 pm – 5 pm, Bible Study 7 pm (last night for the John Wayne’s Bible Study)
Monday, August 13th– Open Arena, General Public 7 pm
Tuesday, August 14th– Band Practice 7 pm
Wednesday, August 15th – Celebrate Recovery 7 pm – Testimony
Thursday, August 16th– Buck-Out 7 pm
Friday, August 17th – Practice Sorting 7 pm (registration $15)
Saturday, August 18th – Breakfast and Prayer 8 am, Quinlan Horse Show
Other Information:
Tuesday, August 21st 7 pm – Women’s Ministry Meeting and pot luck dinner.
Recipes for the cookbook have been extended. Please get recipes to Debbie Johnson, Cindy Brown, Barb Brockway, Shirley Mc, Janie Collins or Monica Vincent. If you are interested in placing an Ad in the cookbook, please see Freddie Johnson. Ad size & pricing: Business Card $25, 1/2 page $50, Full Page $100, Deadline date is Aug 21st.
Mark your calendar for Saturday, November 3rd – Horse Power for Kid’s Benefit. All proceeds going to The Kaufman County Children’s Advocacy Center. Special guest speaker is Elsie Frost. Carnival, Motorcycle Run, Trail Ride, Youth Buck-Out, and live music. Volunteers will be needed for this day. Rafter J is partnering with Kaufman County Cowboy Church and other churches. Please see James Burt, Terry Carter, Janie Collins, Shirley Mc, Red, or Skip, if you have questions. More info in coming weeks.
We have a list of needed items at Locke Supply Plumbing, 1425 W Moore Ave, Terrell, TX (972) 551-2239. If you would like to purchase something off the list to help with our church building, please do so by visiting Locke Supply or if you have more questions, please contact Brother Bob at 972-872-5132. We are also in need of CD’s to provide audio sermons.
Jim and Amanda would like to thank all for the prayers and well wishes for their new beautiful baby boy, Bradley!