Sermon for Sunday, October 28, 2012
“Don’t Waste a Good Hurt” part 2
Scripture: Philippians 3: 1-21
Philippians 4: 1-23
By Pastor Bob Young
This Week at Rafter J:
Sunday, October 28th – Worship Service 10 am, Youth Bible Study 10:30 am, Children’s Church 10:30 am, Open Arena 1 – 5 pm
Monday, October 29th – Open Arena, General Public 7 pm
Wednesday, October 31st – Celebrate Recovery 7 pm – Victory Lesson
Thursday, November 1st – Buck-Out 7:30 pm
Friday, November 2nd – Arena Closed for Horse Power for Kids Arena Set-up
Saturday, November 3rd – Horse Power for Kids – Registration ($5) for Bike Run and Trail Ride at 11 am with each starting at Noon. (see comments in Other Info section)
Other Information:
Mark your calendar for Saturday, November 3rd – Horse Power for Kid’s Benefit. All proceeds going to The Kaufman County Children’s Advocacy Center. Special guest speaker is Elsie Frost (speaking at 5:30 pm). Carnival, Motorcycle Run, Trail Ride, Youth Buck-Out (starts at 7 pm) and live music. Volunteers will be needed for this day. Rafter J is partnering with Kaufman County Cowboy Church, Dallas County Cowboy Church, Jake E’s Riding Round Up, Crandall Cotton Gin and Rip Griffins Travel Center. We still need cases of water and soda donated. Volunteers are needed, please see James Burt, Terry Carter, Janie Collins, Shirley Mc, Red, or Skip. Please come support this event. The committee will be setting up on Friday night so any donations can be delivered to the church throughout the day.

We are also in need of cakes to be donated for our Cake-Walk for our KCCA event. See Janie or Mrs. Shirley if you can donate a cake.

Sunday, November 11th – Annual Rafter J Desert Bake-Off Contest. Please see Debbie or Fred Johnson for more details and entry fee information.

Tuesday, November 13th – Women’s Ministry Meeting 7 pm – Pot Luck dinner and Bible Study. Additional Women’s Ministry info: please bring items to help with Thanksgiving Baskets. Handouts with items needed will be on the table by the church house. There is a box by the kitchen for donated items.

Saturday, December 8th – Christmas Parade sponsored by the Youth Group. We need a flatbed trailer and tractor to decorate and use in the parade. Also, Youth Christmas Party and Lock-In at 7 pm. See Monica or Dave Vincent with questions.