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Come Join Rafter J Cowboy Church on New Years Eve @ 7:30 pm

Happy New Year
7:30 pm til midnight. 

Open Arena, Volleyball, and a Bonfire for roasting marshmallows. 
Also doing a pot-luck. 
No Fireworks (field next door very dry).

We will pray in the new year.

Kaufman County Cowboy Church & Dallas County Cowboy Church are invited as well. 
Everyone encourage to bring a friend. 

Contact Terry, Skip, and Bob for more details.
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Join Rafter J Cowboy Church on New Years Eve @ 7:30 pm

Happy New Year

7:30 pm til midnight. 

Open Arena, Volleyball, and a Bonfire for roasting marshmallows. 
Also doing a pot-luck. 
No Fireworks (field next door very dry).

We will pray in the new year.

Kaufman County Cowboy Church & Dallas County Cowboy Church are invited as well. 
Everyone encourage to bring a friend. 

Contact Terry, Skip, and Bob for more details.

Rafter J Cowboy Church Bulletin for Sunday, December 29, 2013

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This Week at Rafter J:

Sunday, December 29: 8:30-9:30 am Co-ed Adult Sunday School, 9:45am Nursery Opens, 10:00 am Worship Service, Youth Class and Children’s Church after Music Worship. * Parents with kids Pre K-2nd grade, Please make sure you sign your kids both in and out in their classroom.  -Pot Luck after Service.  

Tuesday, December 31: 6:00 pm Prayer Service    

Wednesday, January 1: 7:00 pm Celebrate Recovery- Crossroads  

Thursday, January 2: 7:30 pm Buckout.  Please contact Terry Carter for additional info 903-477-5250.  

Upcoming Events:

New Year’s Eve:  7:30pm til midnight’ish Open arena, volleyball, bonfire for marshmallows, and pot luck.  NO fireworks please (field next door very dry).  Please see Terry Carter, Skip, or Bob for more info.  

Sunday, January 5th:  Elder nominations start, please prayer this week concerning the men being nominated. 

If anyone is interested in being on the Terrell Jubilee Committee, there will be a meeting on January 5th, 2014 at 9:15 am.   

 If you have a prayer request, please drop it in the wooden church, on the table by the doors, you can contact Terry Carter 903-477-5250 or Janie Collins 214-803-3545 or [email protected].  

Please Like us on Facebook: Cowboy Church – Rafter J  Visit or email [email protected] with announcements, schedule calendar events or to be added to the email list.

Celebrate Recovery @ Rafter J Cowboy Church Wednesday, December 25, 2013


H. A. N. D. S.

Large group starts at 7 pm (age requirements 15 years and older)

Small groups start at 8 pm (age requirements 18 years and older)
The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is upon me, for the Lord has anointed me to bring good news to the poor.
He has sent me to comfort the brokenhearted  and to proclaim that captives will be released 
and prisoners will be freed. (Isaiah 61:1)

It has been said that, “The eyes are the windows to the soul.”  If that’s true then I believe our HANDS are the expressions of our heart.
How our HANDS reflect the way we serve God and others; and how our hands reflect how we give back to God and others, all the grace that we have been given so freely. 
Are you serving from a heart that is going to build others up?  If you are, then your heart is in the right place.  You are ready to be used by God and to help others.
For you have been called to live in freedom, my brothers and sisters. But don’t use your freedom to satisfy your sinful nature. Instead, use your freedom to serve one another in love.  (Galatians 5:13)
Small Group Focus Question:  What can you do with your hands to serve Christ?
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Rafter J Cowboy Church Bulletin and Prayer Request for Sunday, December 22, 2013

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This Weeks Sermon:  “The Season of Hope” Luke 1 1-45 & 2 1-24


This Week at Rafter J:

Sunday, December 22: 8:30-9:30 am Co-ed Adult Sunday School, 9:45am Nursery Opens, 10:00 am Worship Service, Youth Class and Children’s Church after Music Worship. * Parents with kids Pre K-2nd grade, Please make sure you sign your kids both in and out in their classroom.  Budget meeting immediately after service, should take about 15 minutes.  Everyone is encouraged to stay.


Tuesday, December 24: 6:00 pm Prayer Service 


Wednesday, December 25: 7:00 pm Celebrate Recovery – H. A. N. D. S.


Thursday, December 26: 7:30 pm Buckout.  Please contact Terry Carter for additional info 903-477-5250.



We are in need of a Sunday School teacher for PreK-2nd grade.  Please see Cindy Young or Grace Wilson for more info.


Upcoming Events:

Sunday, December 29th, 5th Sunday Music Worship Service and Pot Luck.  If you plan to stay, please bring a covered dish.


If anyone is interested in being on the Terrell Jubilee Committee, there will be a meeting on January 5th, 2014 at 9:15 am.


 If you have a prayer request, please drop it in the wooden church, on the table by the doors, you can contact Terry Carter 903-477-5250 or Janie Collins 214-803-3545 or [email protected].


 Please Like us on Facebook: Cowboy Church – Rafter J  Visit or email [email protected] with announcements, schedule calendar events or to be added to the email list.

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