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Celebrate Recovery @ Rafter J Cowboy Church – Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Rafter J Cowboy Church Bulletin for Sunday, April 27, 2014
This Week at Rafter J:
Sunday, April 27: 8:30-9:30 am Co-ed Adult Sunday School, 9:45 am Nursery Opens, 10:00 am Worship Service, Youth Class and Children’s Church after Music Worship. * Parents with kids Pre K-2nd grade, Please make sure you sign your kids both in and out in their classroom.
*Fellowship Pot Luck after service
*Open Arena 1:00-5:00 pm
*A study of the book “Prayer Warriors” 6:00 pm. Prayer Service immediately after Prayer Warrior Class.
Monday, April 28: 5:30 pm Barrel Exhibitions $4 per run or 3 runs for $10.
Wednesday, April 30: 7:00 pm Celebrate Recovery- Testimony Night
Thursday, May 1: 7:30 pm Buck-Out
Friday, May 2: 7:00 pm Exhibition Play Day
Saturday, May 3: Church Work Day 8:00 am
THANK YOU!!! For the donated eggs and candy for last week’s Easter egg hunt
Church family, if you have a prayer request that has been answered, please contact Janie Collins or Shirley McFarlin so it can be taken off of the prayer list.
If you have a prayer request, please drop it in the wooden church, on the table by the doors, you can contact Terry Carter 903-477-5250 or Janie Collins 214-803-3545 or [email protected].
Don’t Forget to Come Out to the Terrell Heritage Jubilee This Weekend
Terrell Heritage Jubilee
April 25-27, 2014
The Jubilee is set for April 25-27 at Lions Club and Ben Gill parks and will kick off with family night on the midway at 5 p.m. on April 24. For the price of an armband, children and adults alike will be able to go on all the rides they want during the night. The rides are being provided by Fort Worth based Talley Amusements.
The midway will be open on April 25 beginning at 4 p.m., and the jubilee on April 26 will kick off at 10 a.m. During the weekend of events there will be an arts and crafts show, a Business and Health Expo, quilt show, and motorcycle and car shows.
Celebrate Recovery @ Rafter J Cowboy Church – Wednesday, April 23, 2014