Sermon by Pastor Bob Young
“Learning from The Past”
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 10:1-13
1. A Warning Against Complacency (vv. 1-5)
A. God’s Salvation (vv. 1-2)
B. God’s Provision (vv. 3-4)
C. The People’s Reaction (v. 5)
2. Warning Against Idolatry (vv. 6-12)
A. Pagan Worship (v. 7)
B. Sexual Immorality (v. 8)
C. Testing the Lord (v. 9)
D. Grumbling (v. 10)
3. A Warning Against Hopelessness (v. 11-13)
A. No Temptation Is Unique (v. 13)
B. God Is Faithful (v. 13)
This Week:
Sunday, May 17: 10 AM Worship Service, Prayer, and Sermon.
Wednesday, May 20: Celebrate Recovery 7 PM. Gratitude Lesson #22. Doors will be open at 6:50 PM. No meal or drinks provided. You can bring your own non-alcoholic beverage.
Thursday, May 21: Thursday Night 7 PM Bible Study. Bible study will be held in the church building and on Facebook Live.
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