All posts by Red

Rafter J Cowboy Church Bulletin for Sunday, May 17, 2020

Sermon by Pastor Bob Young
“Learning from The Past”
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 10:1-13
1. A Warning Against Complacency (vv. 1-5)
A. God’s Salvation (vv. 1-2)
B. God’s Provision (vv. 3-4)
C. The People’s Reaction (v. 5)
2. Warning Against Idolatry (vv. 6-12)
A. Pagan Worship (v. 7)
B. Sexual Immorality (v. 8)
C. Testing the Lord (v. 9)
D. Grumbling (v. 10)

3. A Warning Against Hopelessness (v. 11-13)
A. No Temptation Is Unique (v. 13)
B. God Is Faithful (v. 13)

This Week:
Sunday, May 17: 10 AM Worship Service, Prayer, and Sermon.

Wednesday, May 20: Celebrate Recovery 7 PM. Gratitude Lesson #22. Doors will be open at 6:50 PM. No meal or drinks provided. You can bring your own non-alcoholic beverage.

Thursday, May 21: Thursday Night 7 PM Bible Study. Bible study will be held in the church building and on Facebook Live.

“Like” us on Church Facebook: Rafter J Cowboy Church/Pastor Bob Young.

Visit or email [email protected] with announcements or schedule calendar events.

If you would like to receive our church eblast or have prayer requests, please send an email to [email protected]

Rafter J Cowboy Church – Sunday, May 10, 2020

Sermon by Pastor Bob Young
“What A Woman Needs”
Scripture:   Proverbs 11:16 & 22, 12:4, 14:1, 19:13-14, 21:19, 27:15 and 30:21-23

  1. The Happy Woman

      A. Grace (vv. 11:16)  

      B. Discretion (vv. 11:22)

      C. Virtue (vv. 12:4)

      D. Wisdom (vv. 14:1)

      E. Prudence (vv. 19:13-14)

 2.  The Unhappy Woman

      A. Contention (vv. 19:13,21:19&27:15)

      B. Feeling Unloved (vv. 30:21-23)       C. Her Husband.

This Week:

Sunday, May 10:  10 AM Worship Service, Prayer, and Sermon. 

Thursday, May 14: Thursday Night 7 PM Bible Study.

Events and Other Announcements:

Wednesday, May 20: Celebrate Recovery reopening 7 PM.  Doors will be open at 6:50 PM.  No meal or drinks provided.  You can bring your own non-alcoholic beverage.

“Like” us on Church Facebook:  Rafter J Cowboy Church/Pastor Bob Young.

Visit or email [email protected] with announcements or schedule calendar events.

If you would like to receive our church eblast or have prayer requests, please send an email to [email protected]

Rafter J Cowboy Church Will Open It’s Doors for Sunday’s Service

Good Morning Rafter J Family,

We have missed seeing everyone at church and look forward to gathering again this Sunday morning minus the hugs & handshakes. We want to reassure everyone that all safety precautions are being taken to ensure we have a safe place to worship and praise the most high God.

Know that if you choose to come, we have completely sanitized the building and will continue to do so after each service to ensure ongoing safety precautions are in place.

Tea & Coffee will NOT be served in the short term, feel free to bring your own drink with you, if needed.

Children & Youth ministries will continue to be postponed until later, all who come will stay in the main service with parents for the message.

We encourage wearing mask & gloves but unable to provide those, please bring your own each Sunday.

We completely understand this is an individual decision to venture out with so much uncertainty, if you choose to wait and join us in person later, please continue to watch the service on Facebook Live starting at 10 AM.

Please feel free to reach out to any elder with questions or concerns:

Robert – 972-974-5050
James – 214-949-9659
Andy – 214-215-2885
Bob 972-872-5132

Thanks and have a blessed day.

Pastor Bob Young