Calling ALL Rafter J members “past & present” to come celebrate with us as we kick off “church in the dirt” this Sunday April 11th.
We would love to see everyone that has worshiped with us in the past, and celebrate together once again. Feel free to drive your car into the arena and stay safe if concerned about being out in public due to COVID.
Please join us this Sunday, we look forward to reuniting with old friends and hearing amazing music & message.
Sermon by Pastor Bob Young “Were You There?” Scripture: Matthew 27:35-40, 27:57-66 and 28:1-101. 1. Were You There When They Crucified My Lord? (vv. 27:35-40)2. 2. Were You There When They Laid Him In The Tomb? (vv. 27:57-66) 3. Were You There When He Rose Up from The Grave? (vv. 28:1-10)
This Week: Sunday, April 4: Sunrise service at 7 am. Easter Service 10 AM. Easter Egg hunt after 10 AM service.
Thursday, April 8: Thursday Night 7 PM Facebook Live Bible Study.
Events and Other Announcements: Friday, April 9: Men’s Ministry 6:30 PM – Fellowship and fun with friends – meal and message included.
Sunday, April 11: Rafter J Family Reunion 10 AM – Kick-off to church services in the arena.
Thursday, April 15: Kick- off to weekly Thursday Night Buck-Out. Starts at 7 PM – Registration Fees are $15 a ride or $20 for unlimited rides.
Saturday, April 17: Terrell Jubilee on April 17th – see Andy for details
Sunday, April 18: Elder Meeting – Open meeting starts at 6 PM and closed meeting starts at 7 PM.
Need volunteers for Jubilee – See Andy to Sign-up.
“Like” us on Church Facebook: Rafter J Cowboy Church/Pastor Bob Young.
Visit or email with announcements or schedule calendar events.
If you would like to receive our church E-blast or have prayer requests, please send an email to
1. Broken Dreams Can Hurt. 2. Broken Dreams Can Heal. 3. Broken Dreams Can Help.
This Week: Sunday, March 28: 10 AM Worship, Prayer, and Sermon.
Thursday, April 1: Thursday Night 7 PM Facebook Live Bible Study.
Events and Other Announcements: Sunday, April 4: – Sunrise service at 7 am. Easter Service will be at 10 AM. Easter Egg hunt after10 AM church service.
Friday, April 9: Men’s Ministry 6:30 PM – Fellowship and fun with friends – meal and message included.
Sunday, April 11: Rafter J Family Reunion 10 AM – Kick-off to church services in the arena.
Thursday, April 15: Kick- off to weekly Thursday Night Buck-Out. Starts at 7 PM – Registration Fees are $15 a ride or $20 for unlimited rides.
Saturday, April 17:Terrell Jubilee on April 17th – see Andy for details.
Sunday, April 18: Elder Meeting – Open meeting starts at 6 PM and closed meeting starts at 7 PM.
We need wrapped Easter candy to stuff in Easter Eggs. You can place candy on the table in the children’s classroom.
Need volunteers for Jubilee – See Andy to Sign-up.
“Like” us on Church Facebook: Rafter J Cowboy Church/Pastor Bob Young. Visit or email with announcements or schedule calendar events. If you would like to receive our church E-blast or have prayer requests, please send an email to
This Week: Sunday, March 21: 10 AM Worship, Prayer, and Sermon. Elder Meeting – Open meeting starts at 6 PM and closed meeting starts at 7 PM.
Thursday, March 25: Thursday Night 7 PM Facebook Live Bible Study.
Events and Other Announcements: Sunday, April 4: – Sunrise service at 7 am. Easter Service will be at 10 AM. Easter Egg hunt after10 AM church service.
Friday, April 9: Men’s Ministry 6:30 PM – Fellowship and fun with friends – meal and message included.
Sunday, April 11: Rafter J Family Reunion 10 AM – Kick-off to church services in the arena.
Thursday, April 15: Kick- off to weekly Thursday Night Buck-Out. More details coming soon.
Saturday, April 17:Terrell Jubilee on April 17th – see Andy for details.
Sunday, April 18: Elder Meeting – Open meeting starts at 6 PM and closed meeting starts at 7 PM.
We need wrapped Easter candy to stuff in Easter Eggs. You can place candy on the table in the children’s classroom.
Need volunteers for Jubilee – See Andy to Sign-up.
“Like” us on Church Facebook: Rafter J Cowboy Church/Pastor Bob Young.
Visit or email with announcements or schedule calendar events.
If you would like to receive our church E-blast or have prayer requests, please send an email to