Sermon by Pastor Bob Young
“Living Sacrifices”
Scripture: Romans 12:1-21
- Focus on Self (v. 3)
- Focus on The Church (vv. 4-8)
- Focus on Others (vv. 9-16)
- Focus on Forgiveness (vv.17-21)
This Week:
Sunday, January 26: 9 AM Adult Co-Ed Bible Study “40 Days in the Word”, 10 AM Worship Service, Prayer Requests, Nursery and Children’s Church dismissed by pastor after morning prayer, and sermon.
Wednesday, January 29: Celebrate Recovery 7 PM – Grace Lesson #18- Meal served 6:15– 6:45 PM.
Thursday, January 30: Thursday Night 7 PM Bible Study on the book of Daniel.
Upcoming Events and Other Announcements:
Sunday, February 16: New Member meeting with pastor after church service. Elder open meeting at 6 PM and closed meeting at 7 PM.
Friday, February 21: Men’s Ministry Meeting with meal 6:30 PM.
Sunday, February 23: New Member introduction.
Sunday, March 26: 5th Sunday meal after church service. Chili Cook-Off and Dessert Bake-Off. We need a small committee to help, please see Red or Marsha if you are interested. More details coming soon!
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