Sermon by Pastor Bob Young

“Prepare The Way” 

Scriptures: Luke 2:8-20      

1. The Heavenly Hosts Praised (vv. 8-14).

2. The Shepherds Proclaimed (vv. 15-18).

3. Mary Pondered (v. 19).

This Week at Rafter J:

Sunday, December 23: 9 am Adult Co-Ed Bible Study, 9:45 am Nursery Opens, 10 am Worship Service, Youth and Children’s Church after Music Worship, and Sermon. 

Monday, December 24: Christmas Eve Candlelight Service 7 pm.

Wednesday, December 26: Celebrate Recovery 7 pm – Testimony Night – Meal served 6:15– 6:45 pm.

Thursday, December 27:  No bible study due to Christmas Holiday.

Upcoming Events and Other Announcements:

Sunday, December 30: Regular service for 5th Sunday (no potluck).

New Co-Ed Adult Sunday morning Bible study on Hebrews starting Sunday, December 30th.  Please let Carol Sackett know if you would like to join so she can make sure there are enough books ordered.  If you have questions please call 214-399-9540.

Elder nominations through January 13, 2019  You must be a member to nominate and the person you are nominating must be a member of the church.    If you have questions about membership, please see Pastor Bob or an Elder.

 “Like” us on Church Facebook:  Rafter J Cowboy Church/Pastor Bob Young.

Visit or email [email protected] with announcements or schedule calendar events.

If you would like to receive our church eblast, please send your email address to [email protected]

For prayer needs please call or text Janie Duke at 972-834-9355.