Title: “It Is Finished”
Scripture: Matthew Chapters 26-28
1. The Last Super (vv. 26:17-29).
2. The Garden of Gethsemane (vv. 26:36-46).
3. The Betrayal (vv. 26:47-50).
4. The Arraignment (vv. 26:62-68).
5. The Crucifixion (vv. 27:35-40).
6. His Death (vv. 27:45-46,50-53).
7. He Has Risen (vv. 28:1-6).
This Week:
Sunday, March 31: Easter Sunday Service 10 AM. We will be having Easter Service at our new property located at 11273 State Hwy 34, Quinlan, TX 75474. We will have an old fashion country tent service with baptism. Also, there will be a campfire so the church will have hot dogs to roast over the fire, smores and chips. You can bring your choice of meat if you would like to throw something on the grill/fire.
Friday, April 5: Outreach at Serenity Corner. We will be making meals to serve the homeless (enough to feed 30). This will reoccur every 1st Friday of the Month. Please see Pastor Bob for more specific details. SERENITY CORNER is located at 212 S. Rockwall Street in Terrell.
Saturday, April 13: Men’s ministry meeting at 6:00 PM. Meal and message included. Meeting at Kauf-Van Baptist Association 10 AM at 9433 Co Rd 136, Terrell, TX 7516.
Sunday, April 21: Elder open meeting starts at 6 PM & closed meeting starts at 7 PM.
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