Title: “Servants of Christ”
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 4:1-21
1. A Steward and His Master (vv.1-7)
A. Do Not Judge (vv. 2-5).
B. Do Not Boast (vv. 6-7).
2. An Apostle and His Suffering (vv. 8-13).
3. A Father and His Children (vv. 14-21).
This Week:
Sunday, January 29: Worship, Prayer, and Sermon. Elder Elections – must be a member of the church to vote. 5th Sunday Pot-Luck lunch after church service. The church will provide meat and tea. We need our church family to bring bread, side dishes, and desserts
Friday, February 10: Men’s ministry meeting at 6:30 pm. Meal and message included.
Sunday, February 19: Elder open meeting starts at 6 PM and closed meeting starts at 7 PM.
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