Sermon by Pastor Bob Young
Sermon Title: “Guilty as Charged”
Sermon Scripture: Colossians 3:18-4:6
- The Home (3:18-21).
- The Workplace (3:22-4:1).
- The Neighborhood (4:2-6).
This Week:
Sunday, July 10: Sunday Worship and Church Service 10 AM. Children and Youth dismissed for Sunday School classes after worship and opening prayer.
Thursday, July 14: Buck-Out 7:30 PM – Registration Fees $20.
Events and Other Announcements:
Saturday, July 16: Church rented for private event.
Sunday, July 17: Elder Meeting – Open meeting starts at 6 PM and closed meeting starts at 7 PM.
Sunday, July 31: 5th Sunday Worship and Pot-Luck lunch. Church will provide main entrée/meat and tea. We need side dishes, bread, and desserts.
Saturday, August 6: Church Rented for Privat Event.
Sunday, August 7: Kid’s Back to School Bash after church service. Pizza, drinks, popcorn, and snow cones provided. Fun activities like, waterslide bounce-house and volleyball. Kid’s need to wear t-shirts, shorts and bring a towel. Please see Raychel Burley if you want to help or if you have questions.
Friday, August 12: 6:30 PM Men’s Ministry Meal with Message – Join us for fellowship and fun.
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