Sermon: “Freedom in Christ”
Scripture: Galatians 5:13-26
1. The Flesh (vv. 17a, 19-21).
2. The Spirit (vv. 17b-18, 22-26).
This Week:
Sunday, March 13: 10 AM Worship, Prayer, and Sermon.
Thursday, March 17: Buck-Out 7:30 PM – Registration Fees $20.
Events and Other Announcements:
Sunday, March 20: Elder Meeting – Open meeting starts at 6 PM and closed meeting starts at 7 PM.
Friday, April 8: 6:30 PM Men’s Ministry Meal with Message – Join us for fellowship and fun.
Sunday, April 10: Elder Meeting – Open meeting starts at 6 PM and closed meeting starts at 7 PM.
Sunday, April 17: Easter Sunrise Service 7 AM, Easter Church Service 10 AM and Easter Egg Hunt after church service.
Saturday, April 23: Terrell Jubilee, we need volunteers to work the RJCC booth. Sign-up sheet will be by the tithe church house.
Church Need:
Please donate candy for the Children’s Ministry to be used to stuff Easter Eggs for Easter Egg Hunt. You can leave the candy in the church kitchen. It’s needed by Sunday, April 10th.
“Like” us on Church Facebook: Rafter J Cowboy Church/Pastor Bob Young.
Visit www.rafterjcowboychurch.org or email [email protected] with announcements or schedule calendar events.
If you would like to receive our church E-blast or have prayer requests, please send an email to [email protected]