Sermon by Pastor Bob Young
“More Than Food”
Scripture: Romans 12:3-21
1. Value One Another (vv. 3-8).
2. Love One Another (vv. 9-10).
3. Exercise Spiritual Fervor With One Another (vv.11-12).
4. Share With One Another (v. 13).
5. Forgive One Another (v. 14).
6. Empathize With One Another (v. 15).
7. Practice Humility With One Another (v. 16).
8. Get Along With One Another (vv. 17-21).
This Week:
Sunday, January 10: 10 AM Worship, Prayer, and Sermon. Elder Open Meeting starts at 6 PM and closed meeting starts at 7 PM.
Thursday, January 21: Thursday Night 7 PM Facebook Live Bible Study.
Events and Other Announcements:
Sunday, January 24: Elder election.
Friday, February 12: Men’s Ministry 6:30 PM – Fellowship and fun with friends – meal and message included.
Sunday, February 21: Elder Meeting – Open meeting starts at 6 PM and closed meeting starts at 7 PM.
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Visit www.rafterjcowboychurch.org or email [email protected] with announcements or schedule calendar events.
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