Sermon by Brother Brian Calhoun
“Reality Check”
Scripture: Psalm 107: 1-43
This Week:
Sunday, July 19: 10 AM Worship Service, Prayer, and Sermon. Monthly Elder Meeting – Open meeting starts at 6 PM and closed meeting starts at 7 PM.
Thursday, July 23: Thursday Night 7 PM Bible Study. Bible study will be held in the church building and on Facebook Live.Events and Other
Sunday, July 26: New Members introduction to church family. Also, last day to order your Rafter J Cowboy Cap $20. Proceeds donated to the Men’s Ministry. See Samuel or Hollie Bushnell to place your order.
Friday, August 14: Men’s Ministry 6:30 PM – Fellowship fun with friends with meal and message included.
“Like” us on Church Facebook: Rafter J Cowboy Church/Pastor Bob Young.
Visit www.rafterjcowboychurch.org or email [email protected] with announcements or schedule calendar events.
If you would like to receive our church eblast or have prayer requests, please send an email to [email protected]