Sermon by Pastor Bob Young
“There’s a Hole in Your Pocket”
Scripture: Haggai 1:1-2:9
- Why There is Never Enough (vv. 1:1-11).
- Quick Obedience (v. 1:12).
- God’s Immediate Response (vv. 1:13-2:9).
This Week:
Sunday, March 1: 9 AM Adult Co-Ed Bible Study “Jesus” by Max Lucado, 10 AM Worship Service, Prayer Requests, Nursery and Children’s Church dismissed by pastor after morning prayer, sermon and communion.
Wednesday, March 4: Celebrate Recovery 7 PM – Testimony Night – Meal served 6:15– 6:45 PM.
Thursday, March 5: Thursday Night 7 PM Bible Study on Postcard Epistles.
March – Events and Other Announcements:
Friday, March 13: Men’s Ministry Meeting with meal 6:30 PM.
Sunday, March 15: New Member meeting with pastor after church service. Elder open meeting at 6 PM and closed meeting at 7 PM.
Sunday, March 22: New Member introduction.
Sunday, March 29: Chili Cook-Off and Dessert Bake-Off. Also, 5th Sunday Worship and lunch after service. We will enjoy all the wonderful chili and desserts. The church will provide hot dogs, but we will need you to bring fixings (cheese, onion, sour cream, crackers or Fritos). Mike and Shannon Malone will have a sign-up sheet for fixings.
Cook-Off registrations forms will be available next Sunday. We will need ingredients on all entries (not the recipe) due to food allergies. Please have fees turned in to Red by Sunday, March 22nd.
“Like” us on Church Facebook: Rafter J Cowboy Church/Pastor Bob Young.
Visit www.rafterjcowboychurch.org or email [email protected] with announcements or schedule calendar events.
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