Sermon by Pastor Bob Young
“As Far As The I Can See”
Scripture: James 3:13-4:12
1. The Wisdom of Selfishness (3:13-18)
2. Selfishness Leads to Quarrels (4:1-2a).
3. Selfishness Affects Our Prayers (4:2b-3).
4. Selfishness Makes Us Enemies of God (4:7-12).
This Week:
Sunday, September 15: 9 AM Adult Co-Ed Bible Study “Overcomer”, Worship Service, Prayer Requests, Nursery and Children’s Church dismissed by pastor after morning prayer, and sermon. Elder open meeting tonight at 6 PM and closed meeting at 7 PM.
Wednesday, September 18: Celebrate Recovery 7 PM – Spiritual Inventory lesson #10 – Meal served 6:15– 6:45 PM.
Thursday, September 19: Thursday night bible study 7 PM. Studying the book of Daniel.
Upcoming Events and Other Announcements:
Sunday, September 29: 5th Sunday Pot-Luck lunch after church service. Please bring a dish to share.
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Visit www.rafterjcowboychurch.org or email [email protected] with announcements or schedule calendar events.
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For prayer needs please call or text Janie Duke at 972-834-9355.