Bio – Danny was born on December 22 1976 in a small community hospital in Pineville, Kentucky. Danny’s love for music began at an early age of 4 years old. His passion shown bright to everyone around him. At the age of 5 years old Danny’s kindergarten teacher overheard him singing John Anderson’s song just a swinging and insisted on recording him in front of the class. After attending school in Pineville through the 3rd grade, he and his parents moved to Bay Minette, Alabama. Danny then attended Bay Minette Elementary School until the 5th grade. At this time his parents separated and he moved back to Kentucky with his father. The pain of his parents separating took a toll on him. He never felt as if he were really at home anymore. Because of this, Danny moved back and forth between Alabama and Kentucky until he was 17 years old. While in Kentucky, Danny gave his heart to Jesus Christ in a small Baptist Church called West Pineville Baptist Church. Though struggling throughout his childhood this never let him get to far away from God.Danny never could seem to focus after the separation. His grades started slipping and moving back and forth only made things worse. The only thing he felt he could turn to was his music. No matter what he went though that gleam in his eyes never faded. Danny quit school at the age of 16 years old and began playing guitar and singing country music in night clubs. He entered several contests in the area around him like the jimmy Dean Country Showdown, and he won 1st place at the Hank Williams Festival Song Writing Contest in 1998.On July 2, 1997 Danny married a girl from Bay Minette, Alabama and they had a baby boy on September 7 1997 whom they named Danny Garth Alexander Harris. Danny insisted on naming him after Garth Brooks his favorite country singer. In 2001 Danny and Cindy were invited to see Marty Raybon in concert. Through Marty’s Awesome testimony and music they realized that the ways of the world are meaningless if God isn’t in complete control of them. Danny and Cindy rededicated their lives to Jesus Christ that night. Danny soon realized that all of his failure in country music was merely because God wasn’t in control. Danny’s grandparents in Alabama whom helped to raise him were pastors William E. or (Hank) and Marie Sprinkle. They had always tried to instill the knowledge of the Bible in Danny’s heart. This is something that has always meant a great deal to him, but it took God and only God to bless him with his musical ability. On that night in 2001 it all suddenly became clear to him. Without God in control of everything you do it means nothing, but with God everything is possible.

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