Sermon for Sunday, November 25th, 2012
“Wisdom’s Protection Program”
Scripture: Proverbs 2:1-22
By Pastor Bob Young
This Week at Rafter J:
Sunday, November 25th–Worship Service 10 am, Youth Bible Study 10:30 am, Children’s Church 10:30 am, Open Arena 1 – 5 pm
Monday, November 26th– Open Arena, General Public 7 pm
Wednesday, November 28th – Celebrate Recovery 7 pm – Testimony Night
Thursday, November 29th– Buck-Out 7:30 pm
Other Information:
Monday, December 5th– Women’s Ministry Christmas party 6pm at Sunflower Park Nursing Home in Kaufman. The ladies would like to give each resident a blanket/throw (they have found a great deal on them) if you would like to donate, help or attend this event, please see Robbyn or Laurie.
Saturday, December 8th – Christmas Parade sponsored by the Youth Group. Youth Christmas Party and Lock-In at 7 pm. See Monica or Dave Vincent with questions.
Sunday, December 9th – Rafter J is proud to partner with Tammy Cope in supporting “Operation Expiration”. We are gathering needed items to send Military Care Packages to our military overseas. We will be collecting items until Sunday, December 9th. There is a list of items needed on the CR table and a box to place the items in. If you would rather donate funds, the funds will be used to purchase these items as well. We would like to encourage the Children and Youth to write letters to our solders so that we may send them with the packages. Another way to help is to provide manufacturer’s coupons. These coupons can have an expiration date of 3 months. Please cut the coupons and return them to Carol or Red, we will make sure Tammy recieves them www.operationexpiration.net
Sunday, December, 9th –Budget Meeting after church service to vote and pass 2013 budget. All Church members are encouraged to attend this meeting.